Compass Rose Counseling, LLC
Counseling for Couples, Individuals, Teens,
Parents and Families
Local to the Midlands and Virtual Throughout South Carolina
"On the map, the compass rose helps us find our way."
About Compass Rose Counseling
We are all, as the great therapist Virginia Satir, wrote "basic miracles."
But it doesn't always feel that way, does it?
Especially when you feel depressed, anxious, stressed, lonely or stuck.
You may feel that you've lost your way...
Or wish you could be a better friend to yourself
You may wish you didn't argue so much...
With your kids or with your spouse, partner, or significant other.
You may seek to parent differently than how you were raised.
You may desire to rekindle the spark, repair your relationship, and reconnect with your spouse/significant other.
I believe counseling can bring hope and healing.
It can bring relief for feelings of depression, anxiety or stress.
It can help you become a friend to yourself, listen to your inner truth, deepen your intimate relationships or parent intentionally.
I created Compass Rose Counseling to be a place you feel accepted for who you are, so you can work through the difficulties that bring you to counseling and take the steps for the change you seek in your life.
By reading this far, you have already taken a first step.
I invite you to reach out today to see how we might be a fit for a counseling relationship.
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